YIRLI 2025 Application questions & Expectations

Short Answer Questions

  • Tell us about yourself. (50 words)

  • If you had the opportunity to interview a world leader or influential figure, who would it be and what question would you ask them? Why is this question important? (50 words)

  • Share an example of a cross-cultural experience you've had and how it has influenced your approach to collaboration and understanding in an international context. (100 words)

Essay Questions

  • Why do you want to participate in YIRLI 2025? How will you contribute to this program? Include your experience with international relations and/or Model United Nations. (200 words)

  • Share an experience that pushed you out of your comfort zone. How did you adapt to the unfamiliar circumstances, and what personal or professional growth did you achieve as a result? (300 words)

Video Interview

  • 90 second video responding to this prompt: Highlight a global issue that you believe is often overlooked. How has it affected you, your community, and the broader world? Propose innovative solutions or initiatives that can raise awareness and drive positive change!

[OPTIONAL] Upload resume (1 page MAX)

How to apply?

  1. Write thoughtful answers to the application questions.

  2. Record the video interview.

  3. Pay the $20 application fee. If this payment is not feasible for you or your family, please email.

  4. Upload all application question responses into the application and submit!

All questions can be sent to yirli.communications@yira.org.